I can't say I have ever paid more that $100 for a moisturiser, plus my skin reacts to something in every product I have tried labelled "anti-aging". Therefore, the last thing I want is to put down $300 for La Mer and end up using it once and looking like I have a red, raw face.
I once tried a you-beaut moisturiser from Clinique. I usually don't have too much trouble with their skincare products (unlike Lancome, Aveeno and Olay). So off I went on honeymoon with my little tub of magic. It was magic all right. It turned my lovely skin from peaches and cream to red and angry! I spent my whole honeymoon with my face covered in a rash and not being able to wear any make up!
But to the rescue came a true little tube of magic.
At the first sign of the rash, I raced from my NYC hotel room down the street to Duane Reade. There I found my saviour. Eau Thermale Avene Skin Recovery Cream.
Eau Thermale Avene actually make a whole stable of brilliant skincare products. They are all made in France, most do not contain those nasties like parabens, and they have an excellent range for people with sensitive skins. Not to mention their products for men and children.
I currently use their Clearance K moisturiser.
I must add, their 30+ Sunscreen is awesome! Most sunscreens drip into your eyes as you sweat in summer causing stinging and crying. This one is made with proper zinc and titanium dioxide (with a slight tint so you don't look too white) rather than nasty chemical sunscreens. I even put it on my eyelids and under my eyes without any stinging even in the middle of a Sydney summer. Highly recommended.
You can pick up your own tubes of magic at Priceline and other good pharmacies (and Duane Reade if you are in NYC!).